By James O'Halloran
December 23, 2019
TinaCMS allows you to build live-editing functionality directly into your site. Tina differs from other headless CMS's (e.g, NetlifyCMS, Contentful) which simply allow you to edit your…
By DJ Walker
December 18, 2019
"There are only two hard things in Computer Science: cache invalidation and naming things." This axiom, attributed to Phil Karlton, resonates with anyone who has spent any amount of time working with…
By Kendall Strautman
December 17, 2019
In this meetup talk, Zach Brooks gives the rundown how Tina works and why it's a different sort of CMS. Check out JAMstack Denver's site for more information. Or catch up with Zach on Twitter.
By Kendall Strautman
December 10, 2019
Creating and deleting content — two fundamental sides of the CMS coin. This article will cover how to set up this functionality with TinaCMS on a Gatsby site. But first, some overview…
By Nolan Phillips
December 9, 2019
One of the most important aspects of TinaCMS is its dynamic plugin system. Usually plugin systems are static. We list all the plugins we need in a config and use them as long as the application is…
By DJ Walker
December 6, 2019
We've changed our recommended approach for using Tina's Git Backend with Next.js websites. Check out Tina's Next.js documentation for details. To make it easy to use Tina's backend plugins, they are…
By Kendall Strautman & DJ Walker
December 2, 2019
Tina + Next: Part II Note: This blog was updated as of 12.06.19 related to these changes This blog is a part of a series exploring the use of Next.js + Tina. In Part I, we learned how to create a…
By Scott Byrne
November 21, 2019
Tina Grande is a Gatsby starter with built-in TinaCMS integration. Grande was built to provide a reference implementation of Tina that covers a variety of use cases. Even for those that don’t need a…