2020-05-04 Release Notes

What's New?

Guides: Open Authoring with Next.js + GitHub

Friday afternoon we finally released our Open Authoring with Next.js and GitHub guide! This guide lets you setup the same editing experience we have on tinacms.org but on your own website. Checkout the new Guides section to learn more.

Podcast: Software Engineering Daily

A few weeks ago Scott, Jordan, and myself were on Software Engineering Daily to talk about content management and how it's changing in the JAMstack.

Visit the Forum!

After some deliberation we decided to shutdown our Slack group and put all our efforts into the Community Forum! Head on over if you have any questions about Tina or would like to show off what you've been working on.



  • User's who already have access to the repo do not need to edit from origin
  • GitHub Media Store
  • Branch management. Create and switch-between branches.

Bug Fixes

gatsby-tinacms-remark and gatsby-tinacms-json

  • Fixed an issue with useRemarkForm that prevented Gatsby sites using InlineForm from building



  • Some refactoring is being done to the packages structure. This is in preparation for some upcoming work to make the wysiwyg more pluggable!

Now for a Cool Down!

Taking a page from Basecamp's book (literally) the TinaCMS core team is spending the next couple weeks in cool-down. We've been focused purely on Open Authoring for the last month or two and now we're taking a couple weeks to step back, take a breather, and enjoy some unplanned days. On the 14th we're going to choose our project for the next couple months.

Stay tuned!


Thanks to everyone for contributing!

# CommitsName
27Nolan Phillips
13Scott Byrne
6Kendall Strautman
4Joel Huggett

GitHub Milestones

Checkout the GitHub Milestone for all the details on this weeks release!