Next Steps

At this point, we've bootstrapped Tina into the Next.js blog starter. We were able to do so by making a few small modifications:

  1. Added client-side content transformation to the Post component
  2. Wrapped the site in the Tina provider
  3. Created a form to edit some values in the Post component

This guide is intended as a jumping off point to get you started with Tina, but to make a fully-functional CMS there is a little more work to do.

Add More Fields

Our simplified example only exposes the title and post body to the Tina form. Take a look at our fields documentation and try adding fields for the rest of the post data in the blog demo.

Image Fields

Support for image fields in Tina is still a work-in-progress. Handling images requires setting up a media store that integrates with your strategy for saving content. Expect more information on this front soon!

Inline Editing

Consider creating an inline editing experience for your blog, where content is edited directly where it appears on the site instead of in the sidebar. Take a look at our inline editing docs for more information.

👉 Follow the Working with Inline Blocks

Saving Content

The Preview Mode offered by Next.js allows us to load a separate set of data depending on the "edit" (or "preview") mode. With the help of the GitHub API, editors can fork or branch off the repository, make changes, and create a pull request from the Tina UI.

This type of backend can support Open Authoring workflows for public repositories, where anyone (with a GitHub account) can submit content changes for review.

👉 Follow the Using Github with Next.js Tutorial