
An app, in Tina Cloud terms, houses content and maps to its respective Github repository. An app is also the connection point between your site(s) and your user(s); allowing authorized users to access and modify a site's content.

To setup an app on the Tina Cloud dashboard, you must first authenticate with GitHub. A window will open asking you to give access to your repositories. If you are not already logged in, your provider will prompt you for login credentials first. This authentication allows Tina Cloud to pull and push content to and from your GitHub respositiory.

The next step is to choose the repository that houses your site's content. If you don't see your repository within the list of repositories on the dashboard, you may have to re-configure your permissions within GitHub. Finally, give the app a name, or keep the default. This name will be shown to your users when they login to the app.

Your users will be able to log-in directly to an "app" from within your site without the need to authenticate with GitHub directly or access the dashboard themselves.

Further down the Tina Cloud roadmap, you will also be able to restrict users to specific apps within your organization, and set roles and permissions on a user by user basis.