Architecting with Tina Cloud

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When architecting your site with Tina Cloud, the "MVVM pattern" (Model, View, View-Model) can be a good way to think of its implementation.


A content model groups together fields for a given entity. In Tina Cloud, your content models are stored in your .tina/templates directory.

# .tina/front_matter/templates/hero.yml
label: Hero
  - name: id
    type: text
    label: Id
  - name: heading
    type: text
    label: Heading
  - name: message
    type: text
    label: Message

View Models

When you request content for a page, you do so by providing a query to the client:

const content = await client.requestWithForm(
  gql => gql`
      query ContentQuery($section: String!,
      $relativePath: String!) {
        getDocument(section: $section, relativePath: $relativePath) {
          hero: {
    variables: {
      section: 'pages',
      relativePath: '',
      slug: ['/'],

const hero =
// ...

In this example, the "hero" object that the client returns can be thought of as your “view-model”, and will contain a subset of fields from your model.


The "view" is what the user sees when they navigate to your site. Views dictate how your content is rendered on the screen.

export const Hero = styled(({ heroProps }) => {
  return (
    <div {...styleProps}>